The Secret Life of Owls

On Tuesday, some of my footage was on television.

It’s the first footage I have ever sold, and it was bought by Windfall Films for a documentary on the new channel ‘5 select’ called ‘The Secret Life of Owls’.
If you want to have a look, the documentary is on the channel 5 website: Secret Life of Owls episode 2

The documentary told the tale of a Barn Owl family and pair of Little Owls, with a slight diversion to look at a Tawny Owl reintroduction program – it was in this latter part that my footage was featured.
The clip was of a pair of Tawny owlets in their nest the local woods. I took many films of this pair, and captured their development from a pair of weird-looking tree trolls right through to fluffy fledglings. You can see them through my camera lens on my Tawny Owl page
Here is an example of one of the pieces of footage I took…

Owls are incredibly interesting animals, with a lot of fascinating physical features. For example, did you know that many owls don’t have level ears? One is located closer to the top of the head, and one is located closer to the bottom. This allows them to not only triangulate sounds on a horizontal plane, but also tell whether the noise is coming from above or below them as they fly.
I’m hoping to make my own short documentary on owls soon, and try to find some of my local tawnies – I’ve seen several about recently. Keep an eye open for that and my upcoming nightjar documentary!

In addition to the owl documentary, I also gave some badger cub footage to the Surrey Wildlife Trust for their new promotional video. It’s great to help local charities, it’s just a shame that with GCSEs I don’t have more time to do some proper work. Hopefully I’ll manage to do something in summer.

Excuse a small plea – I need to raise a lot of money (£2,500 !) for a school trip to teach in rural Nepal later this year, and so if anyone wants to buy any footage/photography or get me to make a film or documentary for them then please do get in contact using social media or the contact bar at the side of this page, and I’ll see if I can manage something.

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